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發現 Points of You® 的 DNA:轉變之旅


Discovering the DNA of Points of You®: A Journey of Transformation

發現 Points of You® 的 DNA:轉變之旅

At Points of You®, we believe that true growth begins with understanding who we are at the core. Our DNA is made up of five core values that guide every step of our work and interactions.在 Points of You®,我們相信真正的成長始於了解我們的核心。我們的 DNA 由五個核心價值組成,這些價值引導著我們的每一步工作和互動。

  • Inner Research: The foundation of self-awareness. This is where everything begins—asking ourselves, “Who am I?” and “How do I feel?”內在探索:自我覺察的基礎。一切從這裡開始——問自己:“我是誰?”和“我感覺如何?”

  • Dream: The essence of leadership and vision. Dreaming gives us the courage to explore beyond our limitations, to see the possibilities and imagine a brighter future.夢想:領導力與願景的精髓。夢想讓我們有勇氣探索超越自己的極限,看到可能性並想像更光明的未來。

  • Unexpected but Precise: Our communication philosophy. We grab attention with something surprising, something that shakes up the ordinary.出其不意但精準:我們的溝通理念。我們用出人意料的方式抓住注意力,打破平凡。

  • Devotion: Authentic connection. We believe that real relationships begin when we take off our masks and show up authentically.奉獻:真誠的連結。我們相信真正的關係始於摘下面具,真誠面對彼此。

  • Tachles: Turning vision into action. Dreaming and planning are important, but at Points of You®, we’re also “doers.”實幹:將願景轉化為行動。夢想與計劃很重要,但在 Points of You®,我們也是行動者。

Join us at Points of You®, where dreams meet reality, and transformation is just a step away.加入我們的行列,讓夢想與現實相遇,轉變只在一步之遙。

2024 Points of You 報名



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